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Andreas von Bechtolsheim - The Golden Age of Innovation

Andreas von Bechtolsheim - The Golden Age of Innovation

6 Anmeldungen, noch 294 freie Plätze



  • DO 26. Sept. 09:00 - 11:00 Uhr
  • Vor-Ort-Event
  • August-Schmidt-Straße 4, 44227 Dortmund, Hörsaal 6 im Hörsaalgebäude I (HG I), Campus Süd der TU Dortmund

    - Einfahrt 44 oder 52 - Entlang der Baroperstraße

  • Format: Vortrag
  • Expertise: Interessierte
  • kostenlos

In his lecture, the German computer scientist and entrepreneur from Silicon Valley will not only discuss the current development of technological innovations, but also take a forward-looking view at the global technology landscape. Andreas von Bechtolsheim is one of the most influential pioneers in the computer and IT industry. He is not only a co-founder of Sun Microsystems (1982) and the cloud provider Arista (2004), but was also one of the first investors in Google (1998). Born in Bavaria, he now lives in Silicon Valley and has played a key role in shaping the technological revolution of recent decades. The lecture will be held in English. There will be an opportunity to ask questions and network at the get-together afterwards.

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Die Anmeldung ist ausschließlich unter dem folgenden Link möglich: Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos.

6 Anmeldungen, noch 294 freie Plätze



Arbeitswelt der Zukunft

Big Data

Cloud Computing

Internet of Things

Künstliche Intelligenz


Andreas von Bechtolsheim

Co-founder of Sun Microsystems (1982), Arista (2004) and Investor

Manfred Bayer

Prof. Dr. Manfred Bayer is President of TU Dortmund University.